Thursday, August 29, 2013

I've been struggling to stay motivated to draw the last few days. And today while looking through some other art blogs, I came across (nsfw. There are many boobies =P.) which is an art blog where the artist has been doing a sketch a day for the passed three years. It reminded me of advice I've gotten from professional artists in the passed, that you should always draw/paint/whatever for an hour a day. That didn't really translate to me that well, as it tends to take much more than an hour to finish a sketch (I'm a bit of a slow drawer, I admit it.), and since I like working on new drawings every time I sit down to draw, rather than work on the same picture over a few days, I decided to follow eu03's example, and start doing at least 1 sketch everyday.

As far as the image it self, and why there's two of them. I drew the sketch on the left, then did the inking/shadows on the right, but couldn't decide which I liked more. So I'm posting both =P.


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